Also, I practice blind grading, so please make sure to put your name on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. 此外我采用密封姓名评分,因此请记得在报告结尾用一张纸条遮住你的名字。
Hassan was standing at the blind end of the alley in a defiant stance: fists curled, legs slightly apart. 那小巷是死胡同,哈桑站在末端,摆出一副防御的姿势:拳头紧握,双腿微微张开。
Chen's parents have tried setting her up on blind dates. At one point her father threatened to disown her if she wasn't married before the end of the year. 陈小姐的父母也曾经帮她安排过相亲,她的父亲还曾威胁过她必须在那年年底嫁出去,否则就跟她脱离父女关系。
When we make a saccade our visual system is blind during the flight of the saccade, so you can see at the beginning and you can see at the end but while the eye is moving you cannot see, she says. 马丁内斯-康德说:当眼睛在快速扫视时,我们的视觉系统是瞎的状态,所以你在移动的起点和终点都能看得见,眼睛移动时却看不见。
The four blind men quarreled without end, all insisting that the part they had felt was the true shape of an elephant. 四个盲人不断争吵,都说自己摸到的才是真正大象的样子。
Blind end or cyst formation of Herring's canals predicts poor prognosis. ③胆管的微囊肿和赫令管膨大盲端提示胆道闭锁预后差。
Thus, convinced of the wholly human origin of all that is human, a blind man eager to see who knows that the night has no end, he is still on the go. 因此,盲人从一开始就坚信一切人的东西都源于人道主义,就像讯人渴望看见而又知道默认是无穷尽的一样,西西弗斯永远行进。
The study on the application of anoplasty of T-shaped incision of rectal blind end T型切开直肠盲端的新型肛门成形术在临床中的应用研究
Through my own experience, I wish, I can tell blind people that being blind is not the end of the world. 我希望能通过自己的经历让身陷黑暗的人知道,失明并不是世界末日。
Analysis of 31 cases mild mucosa inflammation on the blind end of cecum 盲肠盲端粘膜轻微炎症改变31例分析
Clinical Analysis on 9 Cases of Jejunoileal Atresia of Blind End Type 空回肠盲端型肠闭锁9例分析
Objective This study aims to correlate the morphological changes of puborectalis and anal sphincter with the level of rectal blind end in patients with anorectal anomalies. 目的利用CT了解术前患儿的耻骨直肠肌、括约肌的形态变化,并寻找评价该肌肉的发育指标及其价值。
The luminal was occlusive to be blind end ( 10 cases); 10例腔内堵塞,呈盲端;
Exist in the current landscape of the temporary blind pursuit of economic interests superficial, but refused to use the issue of sustainable development perspective, the end inevitable duplication of efforts. 当前景观规划中存在着盲目追求肤浅的暂时性的经济利益,而拒绝用可持续发展眼光看问题,到头来必然事倍功半。
But this completely negative thinking mode, similar to the Hegelian dialectics, but eventually we will be pushed to the Pope blind alley, we finally han Buddhism is pale end. 但是这种彻底否定的思维模式,类似于黑格尔的辩证法,最终却将三论宗推向了绝路,最终三论在汉地佛教惨淡收场。